


产品名称: 角质细胞生长因子

英文名称: Keratinocyte Growth Supplement

产品编号: 2152

产品价格: 0

产品产地: 美国

品牌商标: sciencell

更新时间: 2024-06-05T09:09:35

使用范围: null

  • 联系人 : 胡小姐
  • 地址 : 上海市宝山区长江南路180号A区401-406室
  • 邮编 : 200433
  • 所在区域 : 上海
  • 电话 : 181****0148
  • 传真 : 021-56760351
  • 邮箱 : wwwfudan@163.com;hufangqiong@zqxzbio.com






Product Description
Keratinocyte Growth Supplement (KGS) is a medium supplement designed for the optimal growth of normal human keratinocytes in vitro. It is a sterile, concentrated (100X) solution which contains growth factors, hormones, and proteins necessary for the culture of normal human keratinocytes. The supplement is formulated (quantitatively and qualitatively) to provide a defined and optimally balanced growth environment that maximally promotes the growth of normal human keratinocytes in vitro. The supplement is designed as an additive for Keratinocyte medium (KM, Cat. No. 2101) and should be used in conjunction with that medium.

KGS is packaged in the quantity of supplement suited for a 500 ml bottle of KM. When a 500 ml bottle of KM is supplemented with KGS, the final concentrations of the supplement components per milliliter will be BSA 10 μg, transferrin 5 μg, BPE 50 μg, insulin 2.5 μg, FGF-2 5 ng, Epinephrine 500 ng, hydrocortisone 0.5 μg, Prostaglandin E2 10-8 M and T3 30 nM

Product Use
KGS is for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.

Store KGS at -20oC before adding to neuronal medium.

Dry ice.

Prepare for use
Thaw KGS at 37oC. Gently tilt the KGS tube several times during thawing to help the contents dissolve. Make sure the contents of the supplement are completely dissolved into solution before adding to the medium. Rinse the bottle and tubes with 70% ethanol, and then wipe to remove excess. Remove the cap, being careful not to touch the interior threads with fingers. Add KGS and other component (P/S solution) into medium in a sterile field, mix well and then the reconstituted medium is ready for use. Since several components of KM are light-labile, it is recommended that the medium not be exposed to light for lengthy periods of time. If the medium is warmed prior to use, do not exceed 37oC. When stored in the dark at 4oC, the reconstituted medium is stable for one month.

Caution: If handled improperly, some components of the medium may present a health hazard. Take appropriate precautions when handling it, including the wearing of protective clothing and eyewear. Dispose of properly.





        ScienCell研究实验室生产的原代细胞、原代细胞专用培养基都经过了严格的质量控制,细胞纯度可达98%。其中包括21种人体正常细胞系统,90多种不同细胞类型。大多数细胞在全球唯有ScienCell实验室能够成功分离,产品质量过硬。 确保了实验结果的真实性、重复性和连贯性。

Sciencell公司部分原代细胞目录(如需要其他细胞资料请发邮件至 wwwfudan@163.com索取): 
         中乔新舟的PI团队已经发展到专职PI 20人,联席PI 312人,其中大多数拥有海外背景。截止到2009年3月,以PI或联席PI为第一作者发表SCI 论文1682 篇(总IF 值为5721.82,其中影响因子IF>5.0 的论文216 篇,IF>10.0论文32 篇)。
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