MQA-P TFA | MedChemExpress (MCE)-常用生化试剂-试剂-生物在线
MQA-P TFA | MedChemExpress (MCE)

MQA-P TFA | MedChemExpress (MCE)


产品名称: MQA-P TFA | MedChemExpress (MCE)

英文名称: MQA-P TFA

产品编号: HY-149203A

产品价格: 3000; 6150; 9840

产品产地: 美国

品牌商标: MedChemExpress (MCE)

更新时间: 2024-04-30T13:38:44

使用范围: null

规格 价格
1 mg; 5 mg; 10 mg
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CAS No. :


产品活性:MQA-P 是一种多功能近红外 (NIR) 荧光探针,可同时检测线粒体内的 ONOO-、粘度和极性。MQA-P 对 ONOO- 表现出显着的响应,λem=645 nm;并且在 λem>704 nm 的 NIR 通道中对粘度/极性高度敏感。MQA-P 具有激发态分子内电荷转移 (ESICT) 特性,通过将 N,N-二甲基氨基设计为电子供体和将喹啉阳离子单元设计为电子受体,其对极性高度敏感。MQA-P 通过双通道图像在体外和体内用于铁死亡或癌症诊断。


作用靶点:Fluorescent Dye

In Vitro: Guidelines (Following is our recommended protocol. This protocol only provides a guideline, and should be modified according to your specific needs).
1. MQA-P is dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to prepare a stock solution (1.0 mM).
2. For imaging of ONOO- in live cells.
HeLa cells are incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for 30 min as control; pretreated with SIN-1 (HY-126849; 100 μM) for 30 min and then incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for another 30 min. The fluorescence images are obtained on a confocal laser scanning microscope with a green channel (λex= 405nm, λem= 550-670 nm).
3. For imaging of viscosity in live cells.
HeLa cells were incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for 30 min as control; pretreated with Monensin (HY-N4302; 10 μM) for 30 min and then incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for another 30min. The fluorescence images are obtained on a confocal laser scanning microscope with a red channel (λex= 561 nm, λem= 680-750 nm).
4. For dual-channel imaging of ONOO-, viscosity and polarity during ferroptosis.
HeLa cells are incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for 30 min as control; pretreated with Erastin (HY-15763; 50 μM) for 30 min and then incubated with MQA-P (5 μM) for another 30 min. The fluorescence images are obtained on a confocal laser scanning microscope with a green channel (λex= 405nm, λem= 550-670 nm) for ONOO- and a red channel (λex= 561 nm, λem= 680-750 nm) for viscosity and polarity.

In Vivo: Guidelines (Following is our recommended protocol. This protocol only provides a guideline, and should be modified according to your specific needs).
1. For tissue slices imaging, the normal organs (including heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney) and tumor are isolated from the mice, then sectioned as 5 μm thicknesses, respectively.
2. These slices are incubated with MQA-P (20 μM) for 30 min, then washed with PBS (pH 7.4) three times, and finally subjected to in vivo imaging using a confocal laser scanning microscope with a green channel (λex=405nm, λem=550-670 nm) for ONOO- and a red channel(λex=561 nm, λem=680-750 nm) for viscosity and polarity, respectively.

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