Affymetrix芯片服务-鸡基因组表达谱芯片-生物芯片服务 -技术服务-生物在线



产品名称: Affymetrix芯片服务-鸡基因组表达谱芯片



产品价格: 询价,请拨打:020-32290703,13427528023

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  • 联系人 :
  • 地址 : 广州科学城国际企业孵化器
  • 邮编 : 510663
  • 所在区域 : 广东
  • 电话 : 134****8023
  • 传真 : 020-32290606
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The GeneChip Chicken Genome Array contains comprehensive coverage of 32,773 transcripts corresponding to over 28,000 chicken genes. The Chicken Genome Array also contains 689 probe sets for detecting 684 transcripts from 17 avian viruses. The GeneChip Chicken Genome Array is a key research tool for the study of chicken genomics and chicken viral pathogens. Chicken is an ideal model organism for studying developmental biology, as embryonic development occurs in ovo rather than in utero, providing an easily accessible way for researchers to study stages of embryonic development. Sequence information for this array includes public content from GenBank, UniGene Build 18 (May 2004), and 28,416 predicted genes from the Ensembl annotation effort of the complete chicken genome (version 1, released May 2004).