抗体稀释剂(HAMA Blocker) for ELISA-蛋白检测-试剂-生物在线
抗体稀释剂(HAMA Blocker) for ELISA

抗体稀释剂(HAMA Blocker) for ELISA


产品名称: 抗体稀释剂(HAMA Blocker) for ELISA

英文名称: Diluent (HAMA Blocker) for ELISA

产品编号: ab193969

产品价格: 0

产品产地: 英国

品牌商标: abcam

更新时间: null

使用范围: null

  • 联系人 :
  • 地址 : 深圳市宝安区西乡宝民二路贤基大厦4E
  • 邮编 :
  • 所在区域 : 广东
  • 电话 : 133****4454
  • 传真 : 0755-26457513
  • 邮箱 : 1484332550@qq.com

 Abcam’s Antibody Diluent (HAMA Blocker) for ELISA is a proprietary reagent for immunoassays involving a sandwich antibody complex that are susceptible to heterophilic antibody interference. This diluent is specially formulated to quantitate your proteins of interest in complex sample types, such as Human serum or Human plasma. Our formulation is shown to alleviate antibody interference due to heterophilic antibodies such as Human Anti-Mouse Antibody (HAMA). Heterophilic antibodies are a common problem in immunoassays such as ELISA, often causing false positive or false negative results. Abcam’s Antibody Diluent (HAMA Blocker) for ELISA is shown to eliminate heterophilic/HAMA interferences without compromising true signal quantitation.

Antibody Diluent (HAMA Blocker) for ELISA comes as a ready to use solution.


Samples should be diluted to within the desired working range of your assay in Antibody Diluent (HAMA Blocker) for ELISA.

组件 12 ml 50 ml
Antibody Diluent (HAMA blocker) 1 x 12ml 1 x 50ml