


产品名称: Actiwatch®Score情绪饥饿疼痛疲劳研究

英文名称: Actiwatch®Score

产品编号: Actiwatch®Score

产品价格: 0

产品产地: USA/ Philips Respiro

品牌商标: Philips Respironics

更新时间: null

使用范围: null

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Actiwatch® Score --情绪, 饥饿, 疼痛, 疲劳研究.

The Actiwatch Score is a wrist-mounted device which incorporates an accelerometer that detects and logs movement.  It can therefore be used to measure physical activity or the absence of it over time.

Actiwatch® Score --情绪, 饥饿, 疼痛, 疲劳研究.

Bro Three Ways to Monitor Pain 03[2010].pdf

Subjective Scoring.  The Actiwatch Score also has a display and a scoring button labelled with an S. The scoring button is pressed a number of times corresponding to the required subjective  rating. 


Patient Pain Levels with


1. Stores 0-10 actual size


Self-Report of Pain


Patients record their pain levels on a scale of 0-10 in response to

the pre-programmed alarm function of Actiwatch-Score, thereby

allowing the healthcare provider to assess pain levels recorded

throughout the day. Each time the patient presses the easy-touse

score pad, the LED number is incremented by 1, with the

first press registering a zero. Failure to respond to the prompt is

recorded as “No Response” on the data record. Unprompted

scores are color coded on graphs and identified as “manual” on

the diary. The large, bright red LED numbers and easy-push score

pad are designed for use by elderly patients.

2. Records Physical Activity and

Tracks Treatment Efficacy


Actiwatch-Score continuously records patient

physical activity levels, which provide a useful

index of pain and treatment effectiveness. The

patient’s pain scores are superimposed on the

activity data record, providing a visual

presentation of the relationship between activity

levels, pain levels and timing of medication.

3. Documents Sleep Effectiveness


Software, with a validated sleep-scoring algorithm, is

provided for analyzing your patient’s night time activity

levels to determine how efficiently they are sleeping,

and how often they wake up. Daytime napping is also


Configuring and Downloading


Configuring and downloading of Actiwatch-Score is a quick and easy

process that can be done anywhere with an Actiwatch-Reader and a


The 0 – 10 scale was selected to be in accordance with the Joint

Commission on Accreditation Standards. It is also possible to change

the scale, when it is desirable to do so. If, for example, a research

protocol requires a scale of 0 – 3, that can be accommodated simply

by specifying the range during configuration.

The device alarm can be programmed to ring at specified times to signal the patient to register their pain level,

or it can be programmed to ring randomly. In

addition the patient can enter as many unprompted

scores as desired.




• Satisfies patient self-report requirement.

• Correlates physical activity with pain

• Documents medication effects on pain

• Prompts patient to enter scores

• Includes sleep and nap analysis

• Simplifies home based monitoring


Kop, Willem J, Ph.D., Ali Berlin, Angela Lyden, M.S., Taylor Brown, Kirsten Ambrose, M.S., Micah Stretch, M.S., Daniel Clauw,

M.D. 2002. Automated activity monitoring in patients with fibromyalgia: Relation between activity levels and concurrent

symptoms during daily life activities. Proc. Soc. of Behavioural Medicine.

Liszka-Hackzell, J.J, Martin, D.P. 2000. Analysis of the relationship between activity and pain in chronic and acute low back

pain. Anesthesiology 93:A857.

Liszka-Hackzell, J.J., Martin, D.P. 2000. Categorization and analysis of pain and activity levels in patients with back pain using

an artificial intelligence technique. Anesthesiology 93:A381.