Anti-MAPK6 Polyclonal Antibody-抗体-抗体-生物在线
Anti-MAPK6 Polyclonal Antibody

Anti-MAPK6 Polyclonal Antibody


产品名称: Anti-MAPK6 Polyclonal Antibody

英文名称: ERK3;PRKM6;p97MAPK;HsT17250

产品编号: K007431P

产品价格: null

产品产地: 北京

品牌商标: Solarbio

更新时间: null

使用范围: IHC

  • 联系人 :
  • 地址 : 北京市通州区马驹桥联东U谷景盛南四街85A三层
  • 邮编 :
  • 所在区域 : 北京
  • 电话 : 010-563*1250
  • 传真 : 010-56371282
  • 邮箱 :

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the Ser/Thr protein kinase family, and is most closely related to mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAP kinases). MAP kinases also known as extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), are activated through protein phosphorylation cascades and act as integration points for multiple biochemical signals. This kinase is localized in the nucleus, and has been reported to be activated in fibroblasts upon treatment with serum or phorbol esters.