Recombinant Human IFNB1-蛋白质/抗原/多肽-试剂-生物在线
Recombinant Human IFNB1

Recombinant Human IFNB1


产品名称: Recombinant Human IFNB1

英文名称: Recombinant Human IFNB1

产品编号: IFNB1-8538H

产品价格: 0

产品产地: USA

品牌商标: Creative Biomart

更新时间: null

使用范围: null

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NKG2D, also known as CD314, consists of two disulphide-linked type II transmembrane proteins with short intracellular proteins uncapable to transduce signals. In order to transduce signals, NKG2D needs adaptor proteins and it uses two adaptor proteins, DAP10 and DAP12. These two adaptor proteins associate as homodimers to NKG2D- therefore the entire receptor complex appears as a hexamer. NKG2D is an immune receptor. Cellular stress can induce ligands for NKG2D which results in the cell susceptible to NK cell-mediated lysis. NKG2D can send co-stimulatory signals to activate CD8 T cells. NKG2D also plays an important role in viral control.